British cancer diagnostician Jody Moffat: up to 40 percent of cancers can be prevented on their own.
Dr. Jodi Moffat spoke in an interview about the steps people can take to reduce their chances of getting sick with a deadly disease. Speaking about this, the doctor named the two most effective ways to protect yourself from cancer.
“We know that about 40 percent of cancers are due to lifestyle-preventable causes. One of these reasons is smoking: it is very important that people stop smoking,” the expert shared.
In addition to quitting smoking, the doctor calls maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding a large number of extra pounds, an effective way to protect against cancer.
Maintaining a normal body weight, says Dr. Moffat, is associated with habits that determine a person’s eating style and their physical mobility. The most effective prevention of obesity, which is associated with a wide range of cancers, is the consumption of fresh, unprocessed foods, fruits and vegetables, and calorie counting. In addition, it is important to move –
“Maintaining proper physical activity alone can reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer”
Adults are advised to do at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week, or 75 minutes of active aerobic activity (which causes sweat).